Daily Archives: October 4, 2004

Zaurus Movies

Well, I found a few things encoding for the Zaurus.

From other websites, the mencoder scripts have stripped out the stereo sound, dropped it to 24,000 Kbps, etc.  I found with the SL-6000 it really doesn’t matter what the audio is, it plays fine and sounds better, so, here is what I have been using to convert an 1.85:1 dvd to a Divx AVI:

mencoder dvd://1 -aid 128 -srate 44100 -vop scale=432:243 -o /home/david/movies/zaurus/Score_Z.avi -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=15:mode=1 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=200:autoaspect -ofps 15 -sws 2

dvd://1 <-DVD, Title 1 -aid 128 <- Define the audio track, 128 is usually English, 5.1 surround -srate 44100 <- Encode to CD quality MP3 -vop scale=432:243 <-Resize to fit the Zaurus screen, wierd number, but it works, use 400x300 for 4:3 aspect movies. -o /home/david/movies/zaurus/Score_Z.avi <-name of the file to record to -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=15:mode=1 <-MP3 encoder options, stereo sound -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=200:autoaspect <- Divx encoder, mpeg4, very high quality, 200kbs, auto aspect ratio.  Most websites recommend 150kbs, but the 200 looks better, and the Sl-6000 can handle it ofps 15 -sws 2 <- 15 frames per second, I tried 20, but too much frame dropping, and quality of the encoder. I use Kino2 or mplayer from the command line to play movies. Well, that's it for now, time to encode some more movies.


Posted by on October 4, 2004 in Zaurus

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