Category Archives: Glenn

Fun day

Taking a break from Facebook, so might as well give my website some love.

Had a great day today, went to Brookfield Zoo, for you non Chicagoans, it is a zoo in the western suburbs of Chicago.  Been a surprisingly cool summer so far, so it made for a pleasant day at the zoo.

Saw the Dinosaurs alive exhibit, some life size dinosaurs we on display:



Also, there were feathered dinos there as well.



What I found interesting, even looking a little chicken like, they are still dangerous looking creature.


I really liked how they were in a forest setting, with real plants.  There were control panels for some of the dinosaurs to make them breathe, roar, swing their tails and move a bit.


At the end, there was a full sized T-Rex.  That alone made the entry fee worth it.  There were also real fossils and reproductions of fossils in the air conditioned tent.   Later in evening we went to see fireworks, which I learned a long time ago, to never try to take photos of.


Posted by on July 4, 2013 in Family, Glenn, On the Go

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Life, in general

That is what is going on.  Got a valve replaced in the basement.  I really don’t like plumbing work, so it is money well spent.  I am sure stopping the leak will save money on the water bill.

Glenn is getting bigger, talking in longer sentences.  Other people don’t understand him much, but we can make out 95% of what he is saying.  We went to the Zoo yesterday, he got freaked out a little over two thing:  Large animals that seem to have no barrier, like rhinos and elephants and waterfalls.  He really hates the sound of waterfalls, to the point he covers his eyes and asks to go back to the car!


Posted by on April 19, 2009 in Family, Glenn

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Updates, early March

Well, have not been in much of a blogging mood lately.  I use a computer all day at work, so about the last thing I want to do when I get home is spend even more time in front of the computer.

Glenn is doing ok, a little cold right now, but there is always something new with him.  More words, more communication, louder crying.

Technology wise, I really like the netbook we got for our birthdays.  The price can’t be beat and it can do 99.9% of any computer I have seen.  I would not want to edit video or photos on there, but for everything else, it is just fine.  It is going to be very handy on the trip, for entertainment and photo backups.

Work is ok, nothing too new.  No more layoffs on the horizon, but there is some voluntary time off for some of the hourly workers.  I have never seen the global economy slow down like this before.  Is it the start of a new era, or just a really deep recession?  Time will tell.

Ah, spring is in the air and I pulled the grill out of the garage.  Nothing compares to grilled meat.  I forgot how wonderful the sound of t-bone sizzling on the grill is.  Even it is just a tease, better weather is around the corner.

We are going to have our combo birthday party tomorrow, since Tiff’s and my birthdays are just 5 days apart.  I am sure it will be a fun time.


Posted by on March 6, 2009 in Computers, Family, Glenn

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End of 2008.

What year it has been. Glenn has grown so much, it is hard to believe he was just an 18 month old last Christmas. His walking is perfect now, he can jump and skip (his version of skipping, anyways) and his fine motor skills are impressive. He is still not a huge talker, but it getting better. He can count up to 10 on his own and knows the entire alphabet. Overall, a lot of development.

On Christmas eve we went out to my inlaw’s house. 2 helpful hints, never discuss where you would like to get buried at the Christmas dinner table and clothes are boring gifts. Boring as a child, boring as an adult. Unless you really need clothes, I think Christmas is a time for fun gifts, and, you know, things you actually asked for. Slacks are not fun.

Christmas day was good. The meal was very very good. The roast was excellent along with the cheese ball. The gifts were good as well, got what I wanted and are actually fun gifts. Glenn got a great haul, including a Big Wheel and a camera. I remember riding a big wheel when I was the little guy. It was a lot of fun, and Glenn already enjoys it. I am sure he will enjoy it more when he can reach the pedals better. By summer I am sure he will be hauling ass around the neighborhood. By the way, the latest Depeche Mode album is very good, back to more syth sound than some more recent albums.

The day after Christmas is our anniversary, in this case, our 6th. It went well, we went and visited some of our old haunts when we were dating, including Harlem Irving Plaza and Capt’n Nemo’s. It was worth the drive and crappy traffic. That night though, we got a big thunderstorm, so bad it scared Glenn. He slept in bed with us a while, which he has never done before. It was so sad,when I picked him up, he was so scared he was shaking. He calmed down with us and even gave mommy a little back massage.

So today we have just been getting stuff done around the house before it blows away. We had a brown out for about 2 hours today. It was about the longest power interruption I have seen here.

Tomorrow the tree comes down. It is pretty and all, but I would like a chunk of the room back.


Posted by on December 28, 2008 in Family, General Comments, Glenn

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