Category Archives: Family

Life Updates

I really have not posted in a long time and it is a shame. It has been a little over a year since Biden was sworn in as the President and I for one, really enjoy not waking up at 4 in the moving to read the news to find out what stupid thing the President tweeted. That being said, we are now 2 years deep into the COVID-19 pandemic and it is getting to be a real drag.

There was a wonderful period, just around Thanksgiving 2021, that Covid was really starting to bottom out and we were able to host a lovely Thanksgiving with the whole family, but then omicron hit…ugh. Yet another Christmas without family or friends. It is now February and we still have not exchanged gifts. Maybe for our birthdays in March.

I wanted to write this post for the future, to really let those who did not live through Covid-19 just how it affected our daily lives, even years into the pandemic.

Hopefully, it will transition to endemic soon and just get your shots and move one with life, but I don’t see that happening soon. You see, dear reader, 40% of America is really stupid. Do they like living like this? Are you just in denial? I know your newscasters in right wing media say it’s all a hoax, but it is not and you can live in Foxworld, you have to live in the real world, with real death and real consequences. The official death toll in the US is a little over 900,000 now, with around 1,000,000 deaths total, taking into account the extra deaths. That a lot of people. Now, on a more personal note.

My family and myself are doing fairly well. It will be 3 years in our home in April and I am so thankful we moved when we did. Being stuck in a small home or apartment must be hell. My son is doing well in sophomore in high school. He was remote learning for half of last year, but now it back to full time, in classroom, which is really necessity. Remote learning is just not the same.

For me, I am celebrating my 7the year as a design test engineer. I really enjoy the work and the 10 minute commute. My wife’s health has been up and down, but after her surgery last year, she is doing better.

Our two dogs are going well, but our little boy Ricky cracked his dew claw on goodness knows what, so he has a cute little tractor bandage on this paw. Enough of my rambling for now, I will make is a late new year’s resolution to post more. Done is better than perfect.


Posted by on February 4, 2022 in COVID-19, Family

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Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing


Yesterday I did something I have not done in ages, went fishing. Through Glenn’s school, they had a Father and Son fishing outing at Marquette park, in Chicago. It was nice, you did not have to bring anything, they supplied the poles, bait, and, group fishing license, and instructions. I had to warn Glenn ahead of time, it is called fishing, not catching for a reason. The lake is an odd one, making a circle around an island, and kind of unexpected in the middle of city.


Luckily, the lake is less than four miles from our house, so you could not ask for a quicker lake to get to. We arrived on time and there were a fair amount of kids there, I would say about thirty or so, with dads, so there were over fifty people there fishing. You could tell most of them had never fished or cast a rod and reel before. The poles were simple spin casters, what I learned on as a kid as well.


As was expected, there was not much to catch out there. With all the direct sun, all that was caught in two hours was just a couple of catfish called bullheads. As you can see, the are kind of an ugly looking bugger. The dad who caught him admitted it was kind of a cheat, he saw the fish in the shallows and lured him out. A lot of the kids, including Glenn were able to get a good look.


In the end, the kids got a little antsy after almost two hours in the sun. There was a quick raffle at the end, we didn’t win anything, but it was such a nice day to spend outside. No one made money off of the trip, the small amount we paid went to getting the raffle prizes and nothing more. The area was very nice, and I never knew there was a lake and a golf course, right in the middle of an urban, residential neighborhood. I am almost tempted to get a reel for Glenn to practice with, but I can just see the line getting caught in every tree in a 100 foot radius.


Posted by on June 8, 2014 in Family, Photos

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Fun day

Taking a break from Facebook, so might as well give my website some love.

Had a great day today, went to Brookfield Zoo, for you non Chicagoans, it is a zoo in the western suburbs of Chicago.  Been a surprisingly cool summer so far, so it made for a pleasant day at the zoo.

Saw the Dinosaurs alive exhibit, some life size dinosaurs we on display:



Also, there were feathered dinos there as well.



What I found interesting, even looking a little chicken like, they are still dangerous looking creature.


I really liked how they were in a forest setting, with real plants.  There were control panels for some of the dinosaurs to make them breathe, roar, swing their tails and move a bit.


At the end, there was a full sized T-Rex.  That alone made the entry fee worth it.  There were also real fossils and reproductions of fossils in the air conditioned tent.   Later in evening we went to see fireworks, which I learned a long time ago, to never try to take photos of.


Posted by on July 4, 2013 in Family, Glenn, On the Go

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Happy Retirement Chris!

From the Chicago Sun Times, this is my Father-in-law:

We’ll miss you, Chris!

If ever there was a guy who has seen it all when it comes to Chicago’s most infamous politicos, mobsters and power players, Chris Passias is your man.

A retired Chicago Police officer, Passias has worked the last dozen years as a security officer in the Dirksen Federal Building.

On Tuesday, dressed in a natty summer fedora and blue-patterned shirt, he bid farewell to court personnel and news crews standing by the lobby metal detectors through which he once monitored the felonious likes of Rod Blagojevich, Joey “The Clown” Lombardo and Lord Conrad Black.

At 75, it’s time to go travel with his wife.

We’ll miss you, Chris!


Posted by on July 18, 2012 in Family

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Thanksgiving 2011

Well, I must say this Thanksgiving is a lot better than last year and I actually have a lot to be thankful for.

  • My Dad is doing much better this year, physically and mentally.  This time last year, he was in the hospital, now he is walking well on his own and looks much better, years younger and many pounds lighter.
  • I feel much better now.  The clots must of been slowly accumulating for a while.  I can breath, walk, run up stairs, and I can smell.  This time last year, I was exhausted most of the time.  I thought it was stress and too much weight, but it was the chronic pulmonary embolism.
  • Our kitchen remodel is done.  It was a lot of decisions, but it turned out even better than I thought it would be.  All of the colors work great together and it is as beautiful as it is practical.
  • Glenn is in kindergarten and learning a lot.  Some behavior things here and there, but he is an active little boy, and to be expected.  He loves being around other kids.
  • Tiffany is well this year, no sinus infections and is very happy the kitchen is done

I am very glad that the second half of this year is better than the first half.  It was the first time I have ever been admitted to a hospital.  I hope the remainder of the year is uneventful.

Happy  Thanksgiving Everyone!


Posted by on November 24, 2011 in Family, General Comments

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