Believe Them

Here we are, just eight days into Trump’s second term (gag) and he is running down the Project 2025 playbook. If it’s in Project 2025, it will surface in next few weeks. All of the campaign lies are already forgotten, like reducing grocery prices, removing government waste, all gone.

All we have is the endless tariff threats, mass deportations, trying to eliminate birthright citizenship, politicizing the whole civil servant system, needed programs, like food stamps…gone. Trans people are no longer humans. They are not even like slaves, they are not even 3/5 of a person. He lied, all he cares about is racism, classism, establishing a oligarchy and signing any piece of paper placed in front of him from the evil people who wrote Project 2025, aka Trump’s outsourced Mein Kampf.

Looking back at history, I have no idea why people were surprised just how bad Nazi Germany got. He wrote it all down. The book was passed out to every single student. He outlined all the atrocities Hitler and Nazi regime were going to do. Same thing with Project 2025. The only real difference is that Hitler wrote his own manifesto, Trump is an illiterate fool that could never create such a detailed document. I am sure in decades we will look back at authors of Project 2025 like we look at Himmler, Goebles, and more. This country deserves all suffering we will face. We are racist, trans phobic, bigots who voted for a monster who is lawless. Enjoy America!


Posted by on January 28, 2025 in Uncategorized

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Long time coming

Long time coming.

It has been a long long time since I have posted and here is a long awaited update.

In August of 2023, my wife of 22 years was diagnosed with stage 2b breast cancer. Just had a clear mammogram in May of 2023, but felt pain where it shouldn’t be and had it checked out. The initial ultrasound begat a whole slew of tests. The mass looked like cauliflower, so that usually only means one thing, cancer.

After being diagnosed, I googled what was the best cancer hospital and oncologists in Illinois, turns out it the University of Chicago, which also happens to have a cancer center in our neighboring town of New Lenox. The treatment was aggressive, but, spoilers, there is currently no evidence of disease. The treatments were:

Implantation of a port that leads directly to her heart.

Many infusions for chemotherapy, including 4 AC aka the Red Devil, that is so caustic, it can only be infused using a central line and the nurses wear disposable gowns. There were at least 8 infusions of a different chemo. This was all to reduce the size of the cancer, which it did, from about the size of a golf ball to the size of a pea.

Following the chemo, a little rest, then a double mastectomy with goldilocks reconstruction (5 ½ hours).

Some more rest, followed by what seems like endless radiation…daily…5 days a week, I think for 3 weeks. It may be longer, I will have to ask.

Some more rest and a final surgery, a oophorectomy, removal of her remaining ovary. She only had one left, the surgeon thinks it may have been lost with the c-section she had with our son. She had a partial hysterectomy a few years ago, so this just finished the job. She now gets to enjoy menopause at the ripe old age of 41, but this was done because the cancer was estrogen and progesterone positive. Don’t give it hormones to promote growth and it will help prevent it coming back.

Long story short, there is no evidence of disease 🙂

She has a break from treatments until some time next year, hopefully just a routine flush of her port and blood work will be the majority of it, knock on wood.

In other news, out son graduated with honors from high school, and is in community college and just loves it. He was very worried about how it would be, but it is such a change from high school, in a good way.

My retro controller business really took off this year with the introduction of the true analog Atari 5200 controller, so much so, that Cyberphreak Enterprises LLC is a real thing.

I’ll try not to ignore this main site as much in the upcoming year. Hopefully no more major health scares in the near future.


Posted by on September 28, 2024 in Family

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Street Photos

I have taken photos for years, but have not done much street photography. So, this week I am stepping out of my comfort zone of landscapes and nature and got out in the street. These photos were taken in Hinsdale, Illinois in the harsh noon sun. All photos were taken with Canon 5D Mark II, Minolta Rokkor 50mm F1.4. Very interesting looking for light and patterns in our everyday world of suburban America.


Posted by on June 7, 2023 in Old Glass, Photos


Photos for 3/30/2023

Fractal Bird, Canon 5D, Helios 58mm,F2
Terracotta Circles, Canon 5D, Helios 58mm,F2
Moss Bokeh, Canon 5D, Helios 58mm,F2

Posted by on March 30, 2023 in Uncategorized

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New Camera, Old Glass

A couple weeks ago I purchased a new to me Canon 5D, Mark II, 21 megapixel, full frame, DSLR. It was a top of the line Canon 14 years ago and takes some of the most amazing photos I have taken in my life. It is my first full frame camera. For those not familiar, this means the sensor is larger than the size of 35mm piece of film: a whopping 24x36mm, over 43mm across. Over 20x larger than any cell phone camera. That being said, some cell phones take some amazing photos, but they really rely on digital manipulation to stitch together several images from up to 4 different cameras together. DSLR and Mirrorless cameras use the old fashioned way, huge sensors and huge glass to capture images. I am going to do my best to take a photo a day, or more.

Window, Canon 5D, Mark II, Manual Soviet Lens, 50mm F3.5.
Window, Canon 5D, Mark II, Helios 58mm, F2 lens
Bark, Canon 5D, Mark II, Helios 58mm, F2 lens
Bokeh test, Canon 5D, Mark II, Helios 58mm, F2 lens

Posted by on March 29, 2023 in Old Glass, Photos

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