Sick of depressing news

January 28

I am sick of depressing news, so I am going to make it a point to avoid some, if not all of it as much as I can for the next few days. It is sometimes called news fasting. It is a way to relieve stress. I don’t want to read any more stories about toddlers getting killed, or the latest woman’s frozen corpse found. Do these stores REALLY matter to me, personally? Not really. The economy stories can affect me, but I have a fixed rate mortgage and we do not have a home equity line, so we never pulled money out of the house. I am not the lowest man on the totem pole at work, and I currently have work to last me for years. So unless the whole company goes belly up, I should be ok. Remember, even during the Great Depression, 75% of people still had their jobs. I work for a family owned company, so no stock owners to appease.
So, I think I will focus on the good in things in my life. I have a beautiful wife, a cute, but loud, son, a house, some money in the bank, a new car I can afford and a job that I like. I discovered (or re-discovered) my love of watches. I don’t know why I like them, but they make me happy. They are so more reliable, in general, than any other consumer product out there.
Start Pessimistic Dave Commentary:
Speaking as an electronics engineer for the past decade, I have to let you all in on a little no so secret fact. Almost every piece of electronics you buy is made as cheaply as possible. When you first turn on a new piece of electronics, you have about a 1 in 33 chance of it not working. It is almost 99% certain YOU are the first person who has turned it on. This is all thanks to the wonderful world of statistics, most electronics is tested by sampling, usually 1 out of 50 or 100. The industry accepts about a 3% fall out rate of any new electronics. It is cheaper to throw away those 3% than test the products before they go out the door. The good news is, if it works the first time, it should work for a few years. When the warranty runs out, it should break. That is how they are designed. The only products not like this are military, aerospace, medical, and automotive electronics, which have laws/strict rules governing how they are tested. Everything else is ISO 9000:2000, which means absolutely nothing.
:End Pessimistic Dave Commentary.
Enough of that depressing commentary. Glenn didn’t sleep worth a crap last night, BUT Tiffany may of gotten him on the sippy cup finally! I am so sick of bottles. We shall see how it goes tonight and tomorrow. Wish us luck.


Posted by on January 28, 2008 in Uncategorized


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