I have always been a big fan of science fiction novels. When I was young, I read my ABC’s, Asimov, Bradbury, and Clark. Now, trying to go back and read them, particularly Asimov, I am just shocked how poorly the stories and books are written. The characters are flat caricatures doing nothing more than problem solving. In his later novels, it got a little better, but not by much.
About 15 years ago, I started reading William Gibson. Wow, what a difference. Characters that are human beings and a world that feels real, not like a stage. If you have never tried a Gibson novel, start with the original, Neuromancer. It is a pretty easy read, with rich landscapes and just cool, but troubled characters. His most recent novels, set in the present, are not quite as good, but at least you have nine novels set in the future to read first.
About two and a half years ago, I started reading Phillip K. Dick. Amazing stuff, you can really see why so many movies have been based on his short stories (Bladerunner, Total Recall, Paycheck, and others). The characters are always interesting, and the plots make you really think about life and what it means to be human. Nearly everything is a short story, but there a few novels. Most are disturbingly possible.
There are few one-off authors I will add to the list as I go through my library.