
April 13

Over the last two weeks Glenn has really been changing. Mostly, he is picking up/speaking new words now. The latest are:
Ham, ball, and No. What is really impressive is his growing understanding of abstractions. If he sees a picture of a furry animal, he will hold it up to his face to feel the ‘fur’. If he sees a baby in a book, he will imitate what pose the baby is in. If he sees a truck or car in a book, he will make is vroom car sound. He is imitating everything we do now, especially house work. He even likes wearing a watch like Daddy! I let him wear my cheap Timex and he kept it on for over an hour! I can tell he wants to wear some of my more interesting looking watches but mechanical watches+21 month old=not good. They are tough, but not designed to be worn by toddlers who tend to throw things.
In other news, we are trying out Netflix. I don’t know why we didn’t years ago. It is nice to actually see movies we want to see, not the movies the video store just happen to have. The play it now feature is pretty cool too, only thing that sucks it that is only works in windows. I think they use that Microsoft silverlight (their clone of Flash) for playing movies.


Posted by on April 13, 2008 in Uncategorized


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