Daily Archives: July 31, 2009

The strange nature of belief

I find it very odd what people believe and don’t believe in.  People believe in creationism, gods, bigfoot, UFO’s (the alien type), ghosts, Noah’s Ark, and all manner of things that can be easily be proven wrong.  Yet they deny evolution, the Nazi holocaust, and that we landed on the moon.  Why is this?  For evolution, there are hundred of thousands of examples fossilized or you can even perform it in a lab or in your own backyard.  For the Nazi holocaust, there is a gigantic paper trail, thousands of buildings, eyewitnesses, and the fact than MILLIONS of people disappeared.   The moon landing has countless photographs, video and audio recordings, tens of thousands of people were involved, and we had the Soviets looking over our backs as well.  Yet, people deny all of these things.
Take something that can be easily be proven false, like Noah’s Ark.  This is an easy one to disprove.  Take 8 people and put them in Brookfield Zoo and see if they can take care of all the animals there, unaided, for an entire year.  Nevermind that the Brookfield zoo does not have every species, or even close to it.  Then, take all of the animals and keep them in pens holding no more than 120,000 square feet, about the size of a Walmart store.  It’s just silly, but people still believe in it.  (By the way, Brookfield Zoo employs 475 full time workers to take care of the animals and maintain the buildings and has up to 1,000 people on top of that to take care of the visitors.)
It is an odd aspect of human psychology why people don’t believe things with hard evidence, but do believe in things which are nonsensical.


Posted by on July 31, 2009 in Uncategorized

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