Daily Archives: November 8, 2008

10 Years

On December 2nd, will be 10 years old!  In that time, it has been hosted on 4 different servers and had about 6 major redesigns.  Currently I am really only updating the main blog and separate site blogs.  I can’t believe I have had a domain name that long.  .com names were actually getting quite hard to come by, even in 1998.  I will continue to run this site, as I like updating it, especially the watch blog.  The watch blog is actually now, by far, the most popular page in the family, with over 400 hits per day!  In case you were wondering, my Zaurus software feed is the second most popular page, as I have about the largest Zaurus software feed on the internet.

In my 10 years, I have never had paid advertising.  I figure do it for the love of it or don’t do it at all.  I am sure I could get money for advertising if I wanted to, but I guess I am an idealist.

What else has happened in the last 10 years?  I met Tiffany, got married, owned 2 homes, had a Glenn monster, gone through 6 computers, 4 cars, and 4 jobs.  Through all of that has endured.  In a world of social networking sites and walled cities, itis nice to have something open and free (free as in freedom, not as in free beer) and something to call my own.


Posted by on November 8, 2008 in Uncategorized

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