Daily Archives: October 22, 2008

I don’t understand

Warning, More Politics Below!

With McCain, I keep hearing how he is ‘ready to lead’ and ‘tested.”

His arguments have no logical flow to me.  Some examples:

Standing on a deck of an aircraft carrier waiting for someone else to make a decision makes you ready to make a decision right out of the gate.  Hugh?  What?  So, since other people make decisions around me, I am more capable?

Getting shot down and captured and tortured in a POW camp makes you understand world politcs better.  How?  If you were a more competent pilot, you would of not gotten shot down.  Yeah, it sucks you were a prisoner, but how does that make you a more competent leader? It means you are a survivor, with lots of will, not a leader.

McCain blindly supported and continues to support the war in Iraq.  He never questioned or has admitted we invaded that country illegally and have no clear reason for being there or exit strategy.  He says we can win with honor here.  How?  I don’t know what victory looks like.  Our basis for invading was a pack of lies, so we can never achieve those goals.  Remember Weapons of Mass Destruction.  They were imaginary.  So, what is our goal there?  Saddam is dead.  The country is in ruins.  I’m sorry, the surge had nothing to do with less violence.  There reason violence is down is the country is now segregated and we literally paid off a lot of insurgents.  Many independent analysts argee these are the reasons why.

Put it all together, and I don’t know how McCain can claim he is better able to lead.  I just don’t understand the logic.


Posted by on October 22, 2008 in Uncategorized

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