Daily Archives: March 20, 2008

5 years

Today we ‘celebrate’ the fifth anniversary of our invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq. A invasion based on lies , half truths, and deceptions. It has cost our country and the Iraqis dearly. Over 4,000 U.S. soldiers dead, over 30,000 injured. Certainly over 100,000 Iraqis have been killed. I hate calling them Iraqis. They are human beings. Most of them guilty of one crime, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In terms of money, we are already over the half TRILLION mark in direct costs. In indirect costs, I am sure it is pushing a trillion. I have to ask myself, what was it for?
It was not for making us safer, if anything, we are less safe now.
It was not for oil, we will be paying over $4 a gallon before the year is over.
It was not to make life for Iraqis better. I am sure their standard of living now is far lower than it was before the war.
The Iraqi people were living under a dictatorship. What do you think the Chinese live under? I could name dozens of countries which have oppressive governments. We didn’t do anything about them.
Was this just a personal war to justify the neo-conservatives agenda? That is the only conclusion I can think of. If we really did want to protect our country, we would of finished the job in Afghanistan and taken care of Osama Bin Laden, who is probably still alive and well after SEVEN YEARS.
That is enough ranting for now. This ‘war’ is now the second longest war in U.S. history, after Vietnam. Mission Accomplished.


Posted by on March 20, 2008 in Uncategorized