Daily Archives: February 8, 2008

Internet working again and tech rambling

Comcast was here over an hour today, but, it looks like something did the trick (knock on wood).
For now, it is running at about 20 mb/sec 🙂

In other news, hooked up our VCR to watch an older tape.  Man, I forgot how really really crappy VHS looks compared to DVD.  Heck, it looks really bad compared to cable TV.  I see why DVD’s were the fastest new technology EVER adopted by U.S. consumers.  It works, looks good, and is cheap.  It’s not perfect, by any means, just try to watch really dark scenes and you will see where the problems are, but it is eons better than VHS.  Laserdisk was cool, but the form factor was too large and inconvenient.  Most people don’t want to flip a disk or wait several seconds for the head to come over to the other side.  Human nature, I guess.


Posted by on February 8, 2008 in Uncategorized

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