Daily Archives: January 18, 2008


I don’t usually worry about it, but holy crap Batman, look at the economy!
Stock market:
Worst year opening since the Great Depression.
Housing Market:
The year to year foreclosure rise in measured in the 100% to 400% range!
The only time house prices have slipped this much is the Great Depression.
Only about half the ARM’s have reset themselves so far.
Savings Rate:
Since 2005, the savings rate has been NEGATIVE!  This, surprise, has not happed
since the Great Depression.  This means people are spending more than they are making.

Seeing a common theme here?  They only time indicators have been this bad was the Great Depression.
That is really really not a good sign.  After riding the 80’s stock boom, the 90’s internet bubble, and the 00’s Housing bubble, we are in for a hell of a correction.

Scary times.  I don’t think lowering the interest rate or giving everyone a check for $1,000 is really going to fix it.  The economy really needs a correction so the true value of the dollar is met again.  It will be a rough ride.  Japan had a recession for 15 years.  The difference there is they were saving 15% to 25% of their paychecks. The US has been saving -5% for a few years now.

So, I hope you have been saving and have a fixed mortgage with no credit card debt.  If you have been good, you should be fine.  If not, like most Americans, I think many of our citizens are in for a rough ride.  How long, I don’t know. 


Posted by on January 18, 2008 in Uncategorized