Daily Archives: November 12, 2007

New and Old

I think it is interesting how some of the ‘finer’ things in life are really just more traditionally made artifacts.

Some examples:

Hardwood Floors: every house use to have soft or hardwood floors. They are very expensive now.

Hand Tailored Wool Suits: I don’t need to wear one often, but they sure do look cool.

Mechanical Watches: They are just cool and have made quite a comeback in recent years.

Wines, Beers, and Spirits made on a small scale: Again, making a comeback.

Fountain Pens: Still not that popular, they take a lot more maintenance than ballpoint, so I don’t blame people on this one.

Wood Clapboard Siding: Looks cool, total maintenance nightmare. Though, this may be getting better with newer paints.

Shaker Roofs: Last forever, cost a fortune.

Real Wood Furniture:  See Shaker Roofs

Quality Paper Maps: GPS has not killed them yet.

All of these things were the only way things were made 50 to 150 years ago. Now you have to pay a premium to get back to the old way of doing things.

Speaking of new things, with Glenn I find I have less interest in gadgets. I like reading about them, but I have no desire to own them. I deal with computers and electronics at work all day, I don’t want to deal with shoddy electronics at home. That being said, here are some modern tools I really like:

Google Documents: a great way to work on one document everywhere. It is no where near capable enough to defeat real programs, but for simple tasks, it’s great.

Seamonkey:  The all in one suite of Mozilla, works well, less filling.

Digital Cameras: I never did like film and the mystery of how good/bad/terrible your photos turned out. Once you go over 3 or 5 megapixels, you will never go back.

Cell Phones: Land lines cost too much. Cells phones are no means perfect, but I have lived without a land line for 4 years now.

Any thoughts about what is better/worse now? And should I use a colon or semi-colon? Never could find a use for the semi-colon. Thought I would give it a try.

Edit:  Damn you Spunkmonkey, I knew it should of been a colon.


Posted by on November 12, 2007 in Uncategorized