Daily Archives: September 7, 2007

Too many

I did a what I thought would be quick run to CVS last night to pick up some eye drops for Tiff.  I don’t know if it is the weather, or something in her eye, but she has had a little irritation.

When I got to CVS I was just overwhelmed with how many different eye drops there were.

It was not 10 or 20 or 30 varieties, I stood there and counted:

Ninety Seven (97) different varieties and sizes, not including varieties for contact users!

97.  Think about that a minute.  97 products that just do about the same thing.

Why?  The worst thing was, they all had different active and inactive ingredients.  There were drops and creams.

Being a man, I just picked up the store brand that was not a complete rip off and got out.  I was tempted to toss a coin, but I had no change on me, so I did eenie meanie miney moe instead.


Posted by on September 7, 2007 in General Comments