Daily Archives: June 29, 2007

Sick of hearing abou the iPhone

I am sick to death about hearing about the iPhone.  People, it is not the second coming of Christ, it’s a cell phone.
A very very expensive cell phone.  The interface is slick, but if you don’t have a subscription to AT&T, it is just a brick.
Speaking as a AT&T subscriber, I can tell you a lot of people will be disappointed in their iPhones.  AT&T call quality sucks ass.  Virtually every call that I make gets dropped.  Of if it do__ get__drop_d _he_ i_ sou__s l_k_ th_s.
This pattern has continued over 2 different phones by 2 different makers, so I have to believe it is the network.  Their data network is antiquated, at best.  So, don’t expect to be streaming videos, no less music, unless you are in range of wifi.  They should make a PDA version of the iPhone, a modern Newton, so you don’t need to subscribe to that horrid network.

In other news, Glenn keeps getting closer to walking every day.  The separation anxiety seems to be peaking.  Leaving a room for few moment puts him into a tizzy.  He will be 1 in a few days.  I am amazed how much he looks like a little toddler now.


Posted by on June 29, 2007 in General Comments