Daily Archives: April 14, 2007

Goodbye last traces of Windows

I realized, at 5:00 a.m., that I really never use Windows applications anymore, and all Crossover Office/Wine was doing is wasting space, so I un-installed them.  Freed up about 10 gigs of space and my computer is running much faster now.  The wine preloader was using up too many resources and the Windows applications were the ONLY programs that ever crashed.  So, goodbye Windows or Windows API layer.  I don’t miss you.
There is nothing I can’t do as well or better with a Linux native application. 

In other news, Kurt Vonnegut died, which is about the most depressing death of a famous person since Fred Rodgers.  I think the public deaths that saddened me the most were Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan.   Both wonderfully intelligent men whom I admire.  Kurt was a Humanist, which is just the basic idea humans should be kind to each other for their own sake.  It is sometimes hard to live to that ideal, but the world would be a better place for it.  Ditch these ancient, silly religions and just be kind to one another.   


Posted by on April 14, 2007 in General Comments

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