Tag Archives: Trump

Decoding another Trump speech

Here is another Trump speech to plow through, this one after a roaster in Iowa on August 28, 2016.  These are the prepared remarks, the actual speech had some other remarks, but I can’t stand listening to him,  His cadence and delivery are abysmal.

So, we have another 2,675 word speech, very similar in length to the last speech I dissected.

My styles are strikethrough anything that is a personal attack or empty platitude .

Bold any comments that are basic policy statement.

Bold and Italics for detailed policy information.

My comments will be in block quotes, like this.


Thank you. I am thrilled to be here in Iowa among so many good friends.

Iowa is fortunate to have some of the best and most dedicated public servants in the country – including Governor Terry Branstad, Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds, State GOP Chairman Jeff Kauffman, Senator Chuck Grassley and, of course, our great host, Senator Joni Ernst.

What an incredible roster.

I also want to take a moment to thank the Bikers who have been so good to me throughout this campaign. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. They are fantastic people who truly love our country.

More than anything, today, I want to express my gratitude to our amazing Veterans. We will not let you down.

Together, we are going to win this state in November – and we are going to win the White House for the American people.

The White House will become the People’s House. We will tackle and fix the problems that have gone unsolved for years: failing schools, crumbling infrastructure, broken borders, bloated bureaucracy, wasteful spending, and a government that just doesn’t work.

This is a campaign about big ideas designed to help everyday people. These are the people who work hard but who don’t have a voice.

It’s also a campaign about restoring honesty and accountability to government service.

The whole world has been shocked by the continuing revelations regarding Hillary Clinton and her pay-for-play State Department.

Now it was just announced that her important calendar records will not be released to the public until after the election – more protection from a corrupt government.

Kind of like your tax returns and medical records, Mr. Trump?

As I’ve said many times in recent days, it’s hard to tell where the Clinton Foundation ends, and where the State Department begins.

The Clinton Corruption scandals have been a sad time for America. The illegal server, the foreign hacking, the deleted emails, the secret schedules, the lying to Congress. It’s all just too much. How much more can voters take?

Hillary Clinton thinks she’s entitled to be President – she thinks that she’s above the law. But the truth is the opposite: her criminal conduct at home, and her failed interventions overseas, simply make her unfit to serve in the Oval Office.

I believe America is ready to turn the page on this sordid past. We don’t want another 4 years of Obama or Clinton Controversies: they’re not only dangerous but, frankly, exhausting to the people. How do you even keep up with them all?

Also, we are exhausted with your flip flopping and endless attacks with no real policy 2 months out.

The Clintons have had their time on the stage– but now it’s time to close that chapter in the history book and open a new one.

That is why this is such an exciting year to be a Republican, and to vote Republican.

This year, the GOP is offering the voters a chance to break-up the corrupt establishment and to create a New American Future.

This chance will never come again.

The Big Banks and Wall Street donors who want nothing to change are throwing millions and millions at my opponent. These are the same people who paid Bill and Hillary Clinton $150 million for speeches.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is all about protecting the powerful.

Our campaign is about protecting those who have no power.

Together, we are going to give working people a voice for the first time in a very, very long time.

The working people do have a voice, they are called unions, which Republican’s hate.

Let’s talk about what that means.

For our Veterans, it means a guarantee that they can seek medical care at either a VA facility or at a private medical doctor.

With reforms, passed last year, this was already corrected.

Never again will we allow a Veteran to die waiting for the care they need. We will protect those who protect us.

At the center of our change agenda is also a plan to fix our rigged economy.

The government just revised the growth numbers for last quarter down again – it’s now only 1.1 percent. That’s not just bad, it’s catastrophic. We’re going to Make America Grow Again.

That begins with supporting our family farms right here in Iowa.

Family farms are the backbone of this country. We are going to end the EPA intrusion into your family homes and your family farms.

Really???  Really?   You want to end EPA regulation?  You have to be fucking kidding me.  Fuck it, let them rape the land, poison the environment, have another dust bowl.  Who cares if it means ‘more jobs’.

We are going to protect the Renewable Fuel Standard, eliminate job-killing regulations like the Waters of the U.S. rule, and provide desperately-needed tax relief.

Why, oh why, does he place jobs over the environments.  The Waters of the United States Rule, is there to protect our already ravaged wetlands.  You want to avoid another Katrina, we need to protect our wetlands.

Almost 97% of farms in this country are family-owned and family-managed. It’s not only a great American tradition, but a vital component of America’s economic and national security.

Yet, Hillary Clinton wants to shut down family farms just like she wants to shut down the mines and the steelworkers. She will do this not only through radical regulation, but also by raising taxes on family farms – and all businesses – to rates as high as nearly 50 percent. Adding to the pain, she will tax family farms again at death by as much as 45 percent.

On top of that, her anti-energy agenda will drive up the cost of energy – another attack on agriculture.

We are going to end this war on the American farmer.

Bunch of lies here, not going to bother.

That includes our plan to lower the tax rate on family farms down to 15 percent, and to stop the double-taxation of family farms at death – helping to ensure that the family farm tradition in Iowa continues to thrive and flourish.

Farmers do get subsidies, and I really don’t think too many small farmers worry about the death tax.

My economic agenda can be summed up in three words: jobs, jobs, jobs.

I am asking for the support of all Americans who want more opportunity, higher wages, safe communities, competent leadership, and honest government.

We are going to send the special interests packing, and we are going to once again have a government of, by, and for the people.

Republicans are the Party of Lincoln.

Which brings me to a subject that is so important and personal for me. Nothing means more to me than working to make our party the home of the African-American vote once again.

There are millions of African-Americans in this country who have succeeded so greatly and who deserve a government that protects and honors their incredible contribution.

But we also have to talk about the millions of African-Americans who remain trapped in poverty and failing schools.

I’ve spoken a lot in recent days about the deplorable conditions in many of our inner cities. As a father, as a builder, as an American, it offends my sense of right and wrong to see anyone living in such conditions.

Almost 40 percent of African-American children are living in poverty – including 45 percent of children under the age of six.

In Detroit, half of its residents do not work. In Milwaukee, almost 4 in 10 African-American men between the age of 24-54 are not employed.

More than 6,000 African-Americans are the victims of murder every year.

Just yesterday, the cousin of NBA star Dwayne Wade was the victim of a tragic shooting in Chicago. She was the mother of 4, and was killed while pushing her infant child in a stroller.

You are using a death as a campaign point!?!

It breaks our hearts. This shouldn’t happen in America. We send our thoughts and our prayers to the family, and we also promise to fight for a better tomorrow.

Across Chicago, more than 2,700 have been shooting victims since January of this year.

I grew up in Chicago, and live in an inner ring suburb of Chicago; it is a shame, but what we really need it to enable some real gun control and end the silly war on drugs.  That is what is funding this machine of death.

We cannot, as a society, tolerate this level of violence and suffering in our own cities. Those who would deny that this is a national crisis – a crisis requiring urgent action – have no business running for elected office.

Is he suggesting a police state?  If not, what else is he suggesting?

Failed Democratic policies – the policies of Hillary Clinton – have created this high crime and crushing poverty.

In so many communities under Democratic control, we have bad schools, no jobs, high crime, and no hope. It can’t get any worse. To those suffering, I say: vote for Donald Trump and I will fix it. What do you have to lose?

Let me also tell you what you have to gain: millions of jobs, better schools and safe communities.

By the way, how quickly people have forgotten that Hillary Clinton called black youth “super-predators,” and how insulted they were.

I am running to offer a better future – to the citizens of Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, and all across this great land.

African-Americans have given so much to this country. They’ve fought and died in every war since the Revolution. They’ve lifted up the conscience of our nation in the Civil Rights movement. They’ve sacrificed so much for the national good.

Now is the time to put a new agenda into action that expands opportunity, ensures equality, and that protects the rights of each and every citizen.

This includes one of the most important rights of all: the right to live in safety. I will work with communities, with police, and with federal law enforcement, to make communities safe and secure for all of our people.

We are also going to end the discrimination that traps parents and kids in failing government schools. The Republican Party is the Party of School Choice.

What does that mean?  School choice is a bad idea and generally considered unconstitutional.

There is another civil rights issue we need to talk about, and that’s the issue of immigration enforcement.

Every time an African-American citizen, or any citizen, loses their job to an illegal immigrant, the rights of that American citizen have been violated.

Equal protection under the law must include the consistent application of our immigration laws.

These laws were passed to protect American citizens and lawful residents. For instance, federal law protects the ability of American workers to seek jobs and employment. When government suspends those immigration laws in order to curry favor with special interests – costing Americans their jobs – they have been denied the protection of their laws.

In recent days, the media – as it usually does – has missed the whole point on immigration. All the media wants to talk about is the 11 million or more people here illegally.

But my priority is the well-being of 300 million American citizens, including millions of Hispanic citizens and legal residents who want a secure border, a safe and drug-free community, and a growing economy.

My goal is to provide good jobs, good schools, and safety to every Hispanic community in the country. But we can’t do that if we don’t secure our border.

On Day One, I am going to begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country – including removing the hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal immigrants that have been released into U.S. communities under the Obama-Clinton Administration.

These international gangs and cartels will be a thing of the past. Their reign of terror will be over. In this task, we will always err on the side of protecting the American people – we will use immigration law to prevent crimes, and will not wait until some innocent American has been harmed or killed before taking action.

I am going to build a great border wall, institute nationwide e-verify, stop illegal immigrants from accessing welfare and entitlements, and develop an exit-entry tracking system to ensure those who overstay their visas are quickly removed. If we don’t enforce visa expiration dates, then we have an open border – it’s as simple as that.

Overstayed or abused their visa?  I am looking at your Mrs. Trump no 3.

I am also going to cancel all unconstitutional executive orders and empower rank-and-file ICE officers and Border Patrol officers to finally do the jobs they were hired for.

Now, what is Hillary Clinton going to do?

She has pledged amnesty in her first 100 days, combined with the elimination of virtually all routine immigration enforcement. In other words, totally open borders. Which will lead to a massive crime wave.

Most alarmingly, she has pledged to keep President Obama’s executive amnesty – which has been blocked by the Supreme Court – directly disregarding a Supreme Court injunction.

Beyond that, she has pledged to add another executive amnesty in violation of both Congressional law and the U.S. Constitution.

These actions from Hillary Clinton will trigger one of the greatest Constitutional crisis in American history. In effect, she is pledging to abolish the law-making powers of Congress and assume the powers of an imperial ruler.

This executive amnesty would bypass Congress to print millions of work permits and benefit cards to those ineligible to receive them.

Hillary Clinton’s immigration proposal will also give illegal immigrants access to Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare and all U.S. welfare. Her plan will functionally end enforcement of visa overstays rules, another open border decree. She will also close down detention centers for border-crossers, meaning we will have an open southern border as well.

This is not to mention that Hillary Clinton wants a 550% increase in Syrian refugees. She can’t even say the words: Radical Islamic Terrorism.

And she supports the Sanctuary City and catch-and-release policies that are getting innocent Americans killed. I’ve met with many of these grieving families, including the incredible family of Sarah Root, a young Iowa girl who was killed by an illegal immigrant released from the border by the Obama Administration – and then released again after the killing. I’ve been so inspired by the courage and bravery of the Root Family and I’d like to invite them on the stage right now just to say a few words.

Thank you. There is a reason why 16,500 Border Patrol agents have endorsed our campaign, and warned that Hillary Clinton’s plan is “deeply dangerous” “divisive” “radical” “reckless” “wrecking innocent lives” “panders to extremists” and would create “unprecedented crisis”

So the choice couldn’t be more clear. A vote for Trump is a vote to have a nation of laws, a vote for Clinton is a vote for open borders.

On every issue, our campaign is about making life better for working people. But we can’t accomplish that goal unless we break-up the special interest monopoly and give power back to the citizens.

Many people have said that establishment media assault on me and our campaign – we have a movement – is the greatest in the political history of our country. Even today, some major papers fail to mention how strong our poll numbers have become over the short one-week period – they just refuse to print anything positive or good.

They too are part of the rigged system trying to deny people the positive change they deserve. They take phrases and statements, chop them up, take them out of context, and discuss them for days. Always trying to demean and belittle me and our incredible movement to take our country back from the death spiral it is currently in.

Imagine if this much media attention was spent telling the truth about the real problems facing America. Imagine if the media spent this much time telling the story of Sarah Root.

All of the ugly things being said by Hillary Clinton in recent days – funded by big banks and Wall Street donors – are nothing more than a desperate attempt by failed leaders to cling to power in order to keep rigging the system.

There is nothing they won’t say or do, no lie they won’t tell – and no amount of money they won’t spend – to try to bully voters into giving them what they want.

Project much?

This November 8th, the American people are going to reject the cynicism of the past and embrace the optimism of the future.

The old attacks aren’t going to work anymore. The Clinton-Kaine fear-mongering isn’t going to resonate with anyone but the most radical factions of their far-left base.

I want to empower people. Hillary Clinton wants to scare people.

Project much?

Empowering people begins with three simple words: jobs, jobs, jobs.

Our economy will soar.

Wages will rise.

We will make new friends abroad, and achieve new peace at home.

We will be a country of laws, and a country of great success.

Our cities will be safe, sound and secure.

Our government will be honest, ethical and responsive.

Rule by special interests will be over. The rule of the American people will begin.

So let’s get out and vote on November 8th, and create the future our children deserve.

Together, We Will Make America Strong Again.

We Will Make American Wealthy Again.

We Will Make America United Again.

We Will Make America Safe Again.

And We Will Make America Great Again – For Everyone.

Thank you, and God Bless you all.

As always, there is so little content here, with no details, and over 3/4 of it is just personal attacks. Again, less than 5% of the words convey anything in terms of policy.  The whole tone is terrible.  I feel bad for Republicans for having this buffon for their candidate.


Posted by on September 7, 2016 in Political

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