Category Archives: Political


If you really want to see a contrast in the two presidential candidates, check out their websites, particularly the issues section:

Mrs. Clinton’s:

And Mr. Trump’s:

Clinton’s is a single page with 37 easily sorted sub-pages.  All text, all well organized and professional, with notes and references and videos, only when applicable.

Trump has positions AND issues.  Why are they split?  His positions page only has 6 topics, all poorly formed.  No footnotes or references.

The ‘positions’ page is 21 videos.  Both pages are very vague with no specifics.  The videos are pretty fact free, with no notes or references are almost all negative or defending against previous attacks, with no less than two defences of Trump University.

The overall look of the sites is a real study in contrasts.  Clinton’s is very modern and you can tell it is very professionally done.  Trump’s looks outdated and, well, cheap.  Most personal WordPress sites look better and are less generic.  For a man who like ‘the best’ it is an underwhelming experience.



Posted by on August 8, 2016 in Political

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What have we done?

Honestly, how in the world could the American people nominate Donald “I’m a fucking moron” Trump to be the Republican candidate?

He lies…constantly.

He will never release his tax returns.

He wants to change the articles of the Geneva Convention TO ALLOW TORTURE AND THE MURDER OF NONCOMBATANTS!

He is a racist, misogynist, bigot.

He wants to dismantle NATO.

He is a moron.

Again, he is a moron.

He has been bankrupt 4  6 times, a record in the United States.

He probably does not pay taxes (we will never know.)

He gives next to nothing to charity.

He makes fun of developmentally challenged, and the physical appearance of anyone whom he dislikes and acts like a child.

So, in the the end, why?  Seriously…why?  He is a horrible, horrible person I would not trust to park my car, no less run the most powerful and greatest nation on earth.

Why America?  WHY?????


Posted by on August 2, 2016 in Political

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Photography, a personal journey, Part 1, film

I have always loved taking pictures.  I am not a professional or even a rank amateur, but I still have always enjoyed taking snapshots and photos in general.  I am not an early adopter of much, but digital cameras were the exception.  When I was younger (and up until I was about 24 or so) digital cameras were more science fiction than practical devices.  So, when I was a growing up, there was nothing but film.

This was the first camera that I used, the Kodak Instamatic 100.  I am sure many of the early photos of my life were taken with a camera like this.  I still remember the packages that the one use flash bulbs came in.  That’s right, you had to replace the flash bulb with every flash photo, well, every 4 photos with the magic flash cube.  Very simple, but it took good photos and it was super easy to get film for it.  (Did not own, was family camera.)

Ah, yes, the disk camera.  A real marvel of engineering.  Pocket sized, built in flash, kinda crappy photo quality.  The disks we very easy to use, and you almost never accidentally destroyed the negatives by mishandling.  The downside is with such small negatives, the film grain was pretty obvious and low light without the flash on was pointless.  The camera size, however, was very convenient.  (Did not own, was a family camera.)

Yet another Kodak.  You have to remember, before digital cameras, Kodak was king.  I used a camera like this in my late early 20’s.  Very good image quality and a neat feature of panoramic shots.  24mm film negatives meant decent film grain and the film itself was easy.  You just dropped it in and went along with life.  When it hit the end of the roll, it automatically rewound the film and you didn’t need to carry the little round 35mm canisters.  Decent flash and good low light capabilities.  Only recently discontinued, it was the last point and shoot holdout in traditional film.   (Not owned, friends’ camera.)


That last film camera I have used, and, shockingly, still in production.  The Fujifilm QuickSnap disposeable camera.  Just take your shots, drop off the whole camera to get the film developed, and you are done.  No film to handle, no batteries to replace.  Takes shockinly good looking photos.  A great way to use traditional film, or, if you are cheap, have a camera you really don’t care about if it gets destroyed.  Dirt simple to use, tough, and even comes in waterproof versions.   

This was the last film camera I have handled.  I also used some traditional 35mm point and shoots, but nothing that stands out in my mind.  Next post will be on my transition to digital with sample photos.  Ah, yes, digital.  13 years later the photos still look exactly how you took them originally. 


Posted by on January 6, 2013 in Political

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Got out a little while this afternoon.  I forgot just how hectic shopping can be.  Everything is always moving.  I think the both of us are really used to shopping online, instead of in stores.  Too much stress. 

Glenn is teething some more, I think a bottom one is coming in.  Very puffy and he is not happy.

In other news, it is good to know that Bush has, max, one year left.  They should of impeached him years ago, in my opinion.  It’s funny, I looked up what Mike Huckabee’s positions were, and I found I disagree with every single position he has.  Every one.  Immigration, stem cell research, death penalty, religion, even evolution.  The man DOES NOT believe in evolution.  That is like not believing in gravity.  Somehow, I want the leader of our nation to use real science, not the words of a 3,000 year old book written by desert nomads. 


Posted by on January 12, 2008 in General Comments, Political

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Civics Lesson

A quick lesson for Mr. Bush, the Executive branch does not get to decide what is legal and what is not legal, and which laws to enforce. The Executive branch is supposed to Execute the laws of this country. It is up to the judicial branch to decide if the laws the legislative branch created are legal, not the President.Who really knows how much spying is going on inside this country? Congress certainly doesn’t. I am sick of any illegal act being performed defended by “we’re fighting terrorism.” Well, we had all the data we needed before September 11th to prevent the attacks, and we did nothing. The problem is the organization, not the amount of data. Just be honest with Congress and the American people, and I will be happy.

In other news, Tiffany just had another exam. The baby is doing well but Tiffany is hurting a lot of the time. She is usually such a busy person at home, and now she if forced to be a slug 🙁

Just watched 3 movies. Hide and Seek with Robert DeNiro was really good. The Island was very good, just a few plot holes were confusing, and The Legend of Zorro was a good, brainless action movie.


Posted by on May 11, 2006 in Political

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