Monthly Archives: June 2006

New Keyboard and Baby News

Went to the doctor and the baby is doing just fine so far. He is getting really big in there. Tiff is alreaqdy dialated 1 cm so far. After nextWednesday, he is full term and can come out at any time.
On the technology front, I bought a Targus Universal wireles keyboard for use with the Zaurus. I am typing this blog entry using it right now. The typing speed is just a tiny bit slower than a full size keyboard, but much faster than the integrated trhumb keyboard. The thumb keyboard is great for some data entry, but not what you want to type the great American novel on. I’ll post a picture later to show off my little tiny laptop.

Here is the picture:



Posted by on June 7, 2006 in General Comments, Linux

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All in the name of National Security and other ramblings

I got a good chuckle this morning reading the paper. In Chicago they began ticketing people speeding through construction zones using an automated camera system. People are all up in arms about this. Lets see, most people when told their phone records, e-mails, and web searches are being monitored, say as long as it is for national security, are fine with it. As long as you do nothing wrong, who cares if they look. Well, on our nations highways, why is it any different?
Here is a sobering fact, more people are killed in traffic accidents EVERY MONTH as were killed on 9/11. So, who are the real terrorists? Irresponsible drivers kill a lot more people, from all walks of life, in every state, county, city, town, and village than Islamic terrorists ever have. If you are going to complain about one form or government interference, complain about all of them. In this case, the government really is trying to keep us safe, by making us follow established laws.
Another stupid thing in the news is the debate over homosexual marriage. Why are we wasting time with this issue? Do 2 men getting married make me any less married? Not really. I make a comitment to my wife, and it is for life, no matter what the courts or congress decide. We have bodies stacked in the streets in Iraq, New Orleans is still in shambles and we are debating if 2 people who probably love each other can get married. Give me a break.


Posted by on June 6, 2006 in Uncategorized

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Baby Almost Here

With the baby almost here, it has been hard to update the blog. Tiff is feeling painful kicks all the time. I have been keeping busy as work with a new visual insspection system. It’s pretty cool so far. Been at my “new” job over a year now. In less tan 2 weeks I could be a daddy, pretty exciting.


Posted by on June 3, 2006 in Family

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