Monthly Archives: August 2008

Thank you

Thank you Mr. McCain.  Thank you for choosing Sarah Palin.  She is about as right wing as you can get, so you make sure you alienate the centrist voters.  Turns out Palin wants creationism taught in schools. We, you didn’t have my vote before, now I will be really sure to make sure no one else votes for you either.  She is also a big pro lifer.  All I have to say is Go Obama!


Posted by on August 29, 2008 in Uncategorized

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Technology, what a rut **Rant Warning**

I know it has probably been blogged to death, what is up with online video? I remember in 1998 when RealPlayer G2 came out. The video quality was very good, even over 56K DIAL UP! Fast forward 10 years later, computers are about 100 times faster, broadband is common (100 to 1000 times faster), and online video looks the same, or even a little worse.

Flash video quality, frankly, sucks. It was designed to make web pages interactive, not deliver video. Windows media sucks at buffering and real time streaming. Quicktime is still way too fat for practical streaming. Realvideo looks great, but the company behind it loves gloatware.   Bittorrents are not meant for online streaming and are hit and miss.  Come on people!

My Netflix streaming movies vary from almost DVD quality to VHS, with no rhyme or reason why one transfer looks better than another. YouTube reminds me of when televisions first came out and everyone is huddling around a 4″ screen to watch blurry video. What’s the point of playing it full screen? On a 21″ monitor it looks like garbage. Even the ‘high quality’ setting still looks worse than what I saw in 1998.

This is 2008. When is decent streaming video going to arrive? I think DVD’s/BlueRay have quite a bit of life ahead of them.


Posted by on August 18, 2008 in Uncategorized


Living and trying to have fun.

Been busy and away from the computer. Took Glenn to Brookfield Zoo last week for the first time. A couple of weeks ago we took him to his first county fair, in Lake County, Indiana. Also a first for Glenn. He is learning a lot, still has him moments, but he is growing. Glenn’s blog is back up, with a fresh start. I have the old one archived, so we can go back to revisit all those moments when he is asking to borrow the car for the first time.
With computers, Tiff gave up on Windows and we now share my Linux machine. It is really nice not having to diagnose “what’s wrong with Windows this time?” every day. Is it a virus? Trojan? Badly written software? Etc. Etc. I can’t believe they can charge so much for it. The learning curve for Linux is very small now. Give a typical user about 3 days, and you are all set. Having a computer you can depend on is more important than a few pieces of software you might like. It’s not harder, just different.
Still a watch nut. I will be posting something new on that blog soon, saw some very popular, but way overpriced Panerai in person the first time, so I will write about first impressions.


Posted by on August 17, 2008 in Uncategorized

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2 Photos

Was able to take some photos at lunch today:

Always remember, it’s the glass, not the megapixel counts that matter.  These photos were taken with my 5+ year old Olympus C-5060WZ.  I forgot how fun photography is, I will be sure to do more as long as the weather holds out.


Posted by on August 7, 2008 in Uncategorized