Monthly Archives: November 2007

Almost Friday

Been a heck a week for the rest of my family. Me, I am doing OK.

Ann is in the hospital with a bum gall bladder AND pancreas problems.

One of Mike’s cats died (bye bye Penny.)

In happier news:

Glenn is doing well. We put up new curtains in his room, and he slept much longer, thank goodness. On Saturday my work has ‘Saturday with Santa’. I snuck a peek at the decorations so far, it looks very cute. It is going to be much easier and cheaper than the mall Santa. It will be his first time seeing Santa, meaning he will probably cry or be really cute. Not sure which yet. We shall see.

Work has been going ok. Did some training for root cause analysis. Basically is asking why something happed till you get to the real reason. You have to be somewhat child like and keep asking why why why. It does work, though.


Posted by on November 30, 2007 in Uncategorized



A shout out and shout down to the people at google.  Tiff almost lost her blog, but they restored it for her.  The shout down is the fact they make it faaaaaaaaaaar too easy to accidentally delete your blog.  The one time they really need a ARE YOU SURE? button, it’s not there.

Anyways, he blog is back up, and I backed up the blog.


Posted by on November 26, 2007 in Uncategorized

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A new theme.

As soon as Tiffany saw the theme for my watch blog theme, she said I should change the main blog to it, so I did.  I like the dirty, less cherry theme as well.

I think it looks cool, what do you think?


Posted by on November 23, 2007 in Uncategorized


Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey day went very well.  The food was excellent and it was nice to see most of the family.  (Some are in Texas).   The weather was cold outside, but it made for perfect feasting weather.

In other news, I started a new blog that concentrates on wristwatches.  Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I have been looking  for a new hobby that doesn’t take up a lot of room and won’t break the bank.  Computers/Technology just move too fast.  I love Linux, but there are so many other web sites that can report better than I can.  So, I have been expanding my interests into horology (watches, clocks, etc.)  It is interesting and I like how mechanical it is.

The new blog concentrates on inexpensive watches.  Many people just want to see what time it is, and don’t appreciate what wonderful machines they are wearing.  If you have a collection of watches, help me out with some reviews.  I will offer some basic knowledge of what to look for when buying a cheap watch, all in layman’s terms.


Posted by on November 23, 2007 in Uncategorized

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Just one more day.

Just one more day until the four day weekend.  I am looking forward to over eating for one day.  Ironically, the main courses for Thanksgiving really are not that fattening.  Turkey and Ham are very low in fat.  It is everything else that will pack on the pounds.  Anyway, at least it is just one day a year.

Ron is going to be up in a few weeks to visit over the holidays.

Glenn has been doing ok, been waking up at about 4:30 every morning though for a diaper change and feeding.  This morning wasn’t bad, he went right back to sleep.


Posted by on November 21, 2007 in Uncategorized

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