Daily Archives: August 2, 2016

What have we done?

Honestly, how in the world could the American people nominate Donald “I’m a fucking moron” Trump to be the Republican candidate?

He lies…constantly.

He will never release his tax returns.

He wants to change the articles of the Geneva Convention TO ALLOW TORTURE AND THE MURDER OF NONCOMBATANTS!

He is a racist, misogynist, bigot.

He wants to dismantle NATO.

He is a moron.

Again, he is a moron.

He has been bankrupt 4  6 times, a record in the United States.

He probably does not pay taxes (we will never know.)

He gives next to nothing to charity.

He makes fun of developmentally challenged, and the physical appearance of anyone whom he dislikes and acts like a child.

So, in the the end, why?  Seriously…why?  He is a horrible, horrible person I would not trust to park my car, no less run the most powerful and greatest nation on earth.

Why America?  WHY?????


Posted by on August 2, 2016 in Political

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